12 research outputs found

    Biomimetičke pneubotske konstrukcije u arhitekturi: Razvojni model modularne konstrukcije; Doktorska disertacija [sažetak]

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    Model pneumatske prilagodljive i reagirajuće konstrukcije postavljen je kroz ideju ‘tjelesnog nacrta’ (body plan) kao analitičko-generativnog alata za prevođenje konstrukcije mekih robota u arhitektonske prilagodljive konstrukcije. Osnovni oblici tjelesnih nacrta ispitani su kroz virtualni i praktični model posredstvom jediničnog pneumatskog elementa u obliku kocke što je dalo uvid u mogućnosti primjena ove vrste konstrukcija u arhitekturi kao i perspektive za daljnja istraživanja i razvoj

    Biomimetičke pneubotske konstrukcije u arhitekturi: Razvojni model modularne konstrukcije; Doktorska disertacija [sažetak]

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    Model pneumatske prilagodljive i reagirajuće konstrukcije postavljen je kroz ideju ‘tjelesnog nacrta’ (body plan) kao analitičko-generativnog alata za prevođenje konstrukcije mekih robota u arhitektonske prilagodljive konstrukcije. Osnovni oblici tjelesnih nacrta ispitani su kroz virtualni i praktični model posredstvom jediničnog pneumatskog elementa u obliku kocke što je dalo uvid u mogućnosti primjena ove vrste konstrukcija u arhitekturi kao i perspektive za daljnja istraživanja i razvoj

    Contemporary Pneumatic Structures in Architecture; Critical Review and Analysis

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    Rad donosi pregled razvoja pneumatskih konstrukcija kao specifičnoga konstrukcijskog politipa. Pneumatske konstrukcije započele su razvoj s prvim balonima na topli zrak u 18. st., tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata koriste se u vojne svrhe, nakon čega slijedi i njihova civilna upotreba. Krajem 20. i početkom 21. st., s ubrzanim razvojem suvremenih projektantskih tehnika i računalnog upravljanja, dolazi do udruživanja robotske komponente s pneumatskom konstrukcijom u nastajanju nove kategorije pneubotskih konstrukcija.This paper presents the evolution of pneumatic structures as a specific structural polytype. The development of pneumatic structures began with the first hot air balloons in the 18th century. During World War II they were used for military purposes and afterwards for civilian purposes. Rapid development of contemporary design techniques and computer control in the late 20th and early 21st century led to a combination of a robotic component and a pneumatic structure resulting in a new type of pneubotic structures

    Ivica Plavec - Man from Železno; Exhibition

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    On Friday, 24, 2019, Galerija Forum in Zagreb, Teslina street, hosted an exhibition of paintings entitled Ivica Plavec - Man from Železno. Ivica Plavec, professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb and a painter, has exhibited his works earlier at the group exhibition ”Matter Painting in Contemporary Croatian Art” and the solo exhibition ”Sign and Reason” in 2017 in Zagreb. His paintings are painted on car hoods connected into diptychs. Using various tools he carved his oil paintings and thus produced creative effects in the form of slits, cracks, scratches, dents, scrapings, hammer marks and other forms of interventions that testify to a close connection between the author and his home place Železno named after blacksmiths who traditionally lived there. The diptychs are made of car hoods fixed together with two screws. They are coated with paint in such a way that traces of their original colour can still be discerned: white, red, silver, black, gold etc. Eleven diptychs are the paintings named Dies I-XI while six others make another group entitled Roman soldiers. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue written by the curator Feđa Gavrilović, and the photographs of all the exhibits

    Guided Transfer Learning

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    Machine learning requires exuberant amounts of data and computation. Also, models require equally excessive growth in the number of parameters. It is, therefore, sensible to look for technologies that reduce these demands on resources. Here, we propose an approach called guided transfer learning. Each weight and bias in the network has its own guiding parameter that indicates how much this parameter is allowed to change while learning a new task. Guiding parameters are learned during an initial scouting process. Guided transfer learning can result in a reduction in resources needed to train a network. In some applications, guided transfer learning enables the network to learn from a small amount of data. In other cases, a network with a smaller number of parameters can learn a task which otherwise only a larger network could learn. Guided transfer learning potentially has many applications when the amount of data, model size, or the availability of computational resources reach their limits

    Osnovni tjelesni nacrti za mekane modularne pneubotske konstrukcije u arhitekturi

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    This article introduces a theoretical model for the design of pneubotic structures that can be constructed and actuated by using the modular unit volume element. Through analysis of construction of soft robots, pneumatically adaptive and responsive structures and art installations, a set of four basic body plans is proposed, as abstract expressions that form a base for the design of soft modular pneubotics in architecture.Članak donosi teorijski model za projektiranje mekih pneubotskih konstrukcija koje se mogu konstruirati i pokretati koristeći jedinični modularni volumenski element. Analizom konstrukcije mekih robota, pneumatski prilagodljivih i reagirajućih konstrukcija te umjetničkih instalacija, dobiven je set od četiriju osnovnih tipova tjelesnih nacrta kao apstraktnih izraza za projektiranje složenih modularnih pneubotskih konstrukcija u arhitekturi

    Use of Aluminium Structures for the Construction of Family Houses

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    Članak daje opći i informativni pregled gradnji aluminijskih kuća od prve polovice 20. stoljeća do danas. Aluminij je materijal koji se rijetko koristi za izradu glavne nosive konstrukcije zgrada pa aluminijskih kuća u cijelome svijetu ima malo. Odabrane obiteljske kuće prikazane su kroz njihovu konstrukciju i način gradnje u odnosu s tehnologijom oblikovanja aluminija. Zbog čestih inovacija u gradnji značajan ih je broj sačuvan kao muzejski izlošci.The paper presents a general overview of aluminium based construction from the first half of the 20th century to the present. Since aluminium is rarely used for load- bearing structures the number of aluminium houses are small. The houses are examined in terms of how their structures and building methods relate to aluminium production technology. Due to their construction innovations a lot of aluminium houses have been preserved as museum exhibits

    Actuation Characteristics of Basic Body Plans for Soft Modular Pneubotics in Architecture

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    The article examines the actuation characteristics of different basic structural schemes—basic body plans—for soft modular pneubotics in architecture are investigated. Eight basic body plans are translated from abstract expressions into their corresponding modular structures and (re)constructed in their physical form using up to 12 soft unit elements in the shape of a cube. Reconstructed basic body plans are then examined through a qualitative analysis of their ability to actuate and change the shape of the structure. Through adaptive manual inflation of an individual element, a group of elements, or all elements at once, motions and transformations are produced and evaluated. The results show that five out of eight basic body plans have higher actuation capacity while three show a less pronounced capacity to change shape. Based on the most pronounced characteristics of the examined basic body plans, design opportunities for potential architectural applications are proposed. These include structures that can self-erect, lift, tilt, bend, change thickness, curvature, etc. What is also shown is that basic body plans could be combined into one complex structural body

    Behavior of Mebendazole during NF/RO Adsorption and Photolysis

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    The idea of using drugs from the benzimidazole group as potential antitumor agents is becoming increasingly popular and widespread in research. However, their use as antiparasitics and in cancer treatment will increase their already recorded occurrence in the aquatic environment. In this study, the removal of the anthelmintic mebendazole from aqueous solution was investigated using nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes, adsorption on granular activated carbon (GAC), and photolytic degradation. The dense NF90 and reverse osmosis XLE membranes showed almost complete removal (>97.7%), while the NF270 membrane showed a large dependence of removal on initial concentration from 41.9% to 96.6%. Adsorption in the column resulted in complete removal of mebendazole at the highest GAC height used (40 cm) from the solution with the lowest concentration (1 mg/L). Photolytic degradation by artificial light for 2 and 12 h resulted in photodegradation of mebendazole in the range of 23.5–61.4%, forming a new degradation or transformation compound with an m/z ratio of 311. Mebendazole is a photosensitive drug whose photodegradation follows first-order kinetics and depends on the drug concentration. Toxicity was studied with Vibrio fischeri before and after photolysis, and showed a decrease in inhibition after 12 h